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wabushra [4]

Al-Baqarah | 2:97|
| Say to them, "Whoever is enemy to Gabriel, should understand that he has, by Allahs command, revealed to your heart the Quran which confirms what was revealed before it, and brings Guidance and glad tidings to the Believers.

| 002.:097 [KSU] | Qul | man | kana | AAaduwwan | lijibreela | fainnahu | nazzalahu | AAala | qalbika | biithni | Allahi | musaddiqan | lima | bayna | yadayhi | wahudan | wabushra | lilmumineena

An-Nahal | 16:89|
|89] (O Muhammad, warn them of) the Day when We shall call a witness from among every community to testify against it. And We shall call you to testify against these people; (that is why) We have sent down .to you this Book which makes plain everything and is guidance, blessing and good news to those who have surrendered themselves entirely.

| 016.:089 [KSU] | Wayawma | nabAAathu | fee | kulli | ommatin | shaheedan | AAalayhim | min | anfusihim | wajina | bika | shaheedan | AAala | haolai | wanazzalna | AAalayka | alkitaba | tibyanan | likulli | shayin | wahudan | warahmatan | wabushra | lilmuslimeena

An-Nahal | 16:102|
|Tell them, "The Holy Spirit has brought it down piecemeal103 intact from my Lord so that He may make firm the faith of those who have believed,104 and to show the Right Way,105 and to give good news to those who surrender themselves to Allah."

| 016.:102 [KSU] | Qul | nazzalahu | roohu | alqudusi | min | rabbika | bialhaqqi | liyuthabbita | allatheena | amanoo | wahudan | wabushra | lilmuslimeena

An-Namal | 27:2|
|a guidance and good news for those believers

| 027.:002 [KSU] | Hudan | wabushra | lilmumineena