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walata [10]

Al-Baqarah | 2:96|
|You will find that, of all mankind, they are the greediest for life, nay, they are even greedier than the mushriks. Each one of them longs to have a life Of a thousand years, but a long life can, by no means, remove them away from the scourge, for Allah is watching whatever they are doing.

| 002.:096 [KSU] | Walatajidannahum | ahrasa | alnnasi | AAala | hayatin | wamina | allatheena | ashrakoo | yawaddu | ahaduhum | law | yuAAammaru | alfa | sanatin | wama | huwa | bimuzahzihihi | mina | alAAathabi | an | yuAAammara | waAllahu | baseerun | bima | yaAAmaloona

Al-Imran | 3:81|
|Remember, Allah made this Covenant with His Messengers: "Now that We have given you the Book and Wisdom, you are hereby bound to believe in and help a Messenger, who comes to you afterwards, confirming the teachings you already possess." After this, He asked, "Do you confirm this and take up the heavy responsibility of your Covenant with Me?" They said, "Yes, we confirm." Then Allah said, "Very well, bear witness to this and I also bear witness with you.

| 003.:081 [KSU] | Waith | akhatha | Allahu | meethaqa | alnnabiyyeena | lama | ataytukum | min | kitabin | wahikmatin | thumma | jaakum | rasoolun | musaddiqun | lima | maAAakum | latuminunna | bihi | walatansurunnahu | qala | aaqrartum | waakhathtum | AAala | thalikum | isree | qaloo | aqrarna | qala | faishhadoo | waana | maAAakum | mina | alshshahideena

Al-Imran | 3:186|
|O Muslims, you shall surely be tried in your possessions and in your selves; you shall hear many hurtful things from those who were given the Book before you and from those who associate other gods with Allah. But if you show fortitude, and fear Allah under all circumstances, this will be (a proof of) constancy of purpose.

| 003.:186 [KSU] | Latublawunna | fee | amwalikum | waanfusikum | walatasmaAAunna | mina | allatheena | ootoo | alkitaba | min | qablikum | wamina | allatheena | ashrakoo | athan | katheeran | wain | tasbiroo | watattaqoo | fainna | thalika | min | AAazmi | alomoori

Al-Maidah | 5:82|
|You will find that the most hostile of all people in their enmity to the Believers are the Jews and the mushriks; and you will find that the nearest in friendliness to the Believers are those, who say, "We are Christians. " This Is because there are among them some pious scholars and monks and because they are free from pride.

| 005.:082 [KSU] | Latajidanna | ashadda | alnnasi | AAadawatan | lillatheena | amanoo | alyahooda | waallatheena | ashrakoo | walatajidanna | aqrabahum | mawaddatan | lillatheena | amanoo | allatheena | qaloo | inna | nasara | thalika | bianna | minhum | qisseeseena | waruhbanan | waannahum | la | yastakbiroona

Al-Anfal | 8:43|
|And remember the time. O Messenger, when Allah made them appear in your dream as a small band.36 Had He shown them to you as a great army, you would certainly have lost courage and begun to dispute about the matter (the fight). But Allah saved you from this: indeed He known the very secrets of the breasts.

| 008.:043 [KSU] | Ith | yureekahumu | Allahu | fee | manamika | qaleelan | walaw | arakahum | katheeran | lafashiltum | walatanazaAAtum | fee | alamri | walakinna | Allaha | sallama | innahu | AAaleemun | bithati | alssudoori