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walawla [23]

An-Nisa | 4:113|
|O Prophet, had not Allahs grace been with you, and had not His .mercy safeguarded you from their mischief, a party from among them had decided to involve you in misunderstanding though they were involving no one but themselves in misunderstanding and could have done you no harm. Allah has sent down the Book and the Wisdom to you and taught what you did not know; great indeed is His bounty to you.

| 004.:113 [KSU] | Walawla | fadlu | Allahi | AAalayka | warahmatuhu | lahammat | taifatun | minhum | an | yudillooka | wama | yudilloona | illa | anfusahum | wama | yadurroonaka | min | shayin | waanzala | Allahu | AAalayka | alkitaba | waalhikmata | waAAallamaka | ma | lam | takun | taAAlamu | wakana | fadlu | Allahi | AAalayka | AAatheeman

Bani-Israel | 17:74|
|It was just possible that you might have inclined a little towards them, if We had not given you strength.

| 017.:074 [KSU] | Walawla | an | thabbatnaka | laqad | kidta | tarkanu | ilayhim | shayan | qaleelan

Al-Kahaf | 18:39|
|And when you were entering your garden, why didn't you say, `Only that shall happen what He will: neither I nor any one else has any power. If you find me now less in wealth and offspring than you,

| 018.:039 [KSU] | Walawla | ith | dakhalta | jannataka | qulta | ma | shaa | Allahu | la | quwwata | illa | biAllahi | in | tarani | ana | aqalla | minka | malan | wawaladan

Ta-Ha | 20:129|
|Had not a decree been fore-ordained by your Lord and a term for respite been appointed, judgment on them would have been passed now immediately.

| 020.:129 [KSU] | Walawla | kalimatun | sabaqat | min | rabbika | lakana | lizaman | waajalun | musamman

An-Noor | 24:10|
|If Allah had not shown you His grace and mercy and if Allah had not been most Forgiving and All-Wise, (you would have been in a great fix because of accusing your wives).

| 024.:10 [KSU] | Walawla | fadlu | Allahi | AAalaykum | warahmatuhu | waanna | Allaha | tawwabun | hakeemun