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walillahi [26]

Al-Baqarah | 2:115|
| The East and the West, all belong to Allah: you will face Allah in whichsoever direction you turn your face:115 Allah is All-Embracing and All-Knowing.116

| 002.:115 [KSU] | Walillahi | almashriqu | waalmaghribu | faaynama | tuwalloo | fathamma | wajhu | Allahi | inna | Allaha | wasiAAun | AAaleemun

Al-Imran | 3:97|
|In it are clear Signs: there is the spot where Abraham used to worship: then it is the sanctuary, and whoso enters it becomes safe and secure. Allah has, therefore, a right on the people that the one, who can afford to reach the house, should perform Haj there: and the one who disobeys (this Commandment should know that) Allah is All-Sufficient and does not stand in need of any creature of the worlds.

| 003.:097 [KSU] | Feehi | ayatun | bayyinatun | maqamu | ibraheema | waman | dakhalahu | kana | aminan | walillahi | AAala | alnnasi | hijju | albayti | mani | istataAAa | ilayhi | sabeelan | waman | kafara | fainna | Allaha | ghaniyyun | AAani | alAAalameena

Al-Imran | 3:109|
|All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah, and to Allah are all the matters presented.

| 003.:109 [KSU] | Walillahi | ma | fee | alssamawati | wama | fee | alardi | waila | Allahi | turjaAAu | alomooru

Al-Imran | 3:129|
|Allah is the Owner of whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth: He may forgive whomever He pleases and punish whomever He wills; Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

| 003.:129 [KSU] | Walillahi | ma | fee | alssamawati | wama | fee | alardi | yaghfiru | liman | yashao | wayuAAaththibu | man | yashao | waAllahu | ghafoorun | raheemun

Al-Imran | 3:180|
|Let not those whom Allah has blessed with His bounty and are behaving in a niggardly manner think it to be good for themselves; nay, it is very bad for them. Whatever they are hoarding parsimoniously shall be hung round their necks like a collar on the Day of Resurrection; for Allah alone will inherit all that is in the heaven and the earth and He is fully aware of what you are doing.

| 003.:180 [KSU] | Wala | yahsabanna | allatheena | yabkhaloona | bima | atahummu | Allahu | min | fadlihi | huwa | khayran | lahum | bal | huwa | sharrun | lahum | sayutawwaqoona | ma | bakhiloo | bihi | yawma | alqiyamati | walillahi | meerathu | alssamawati | waalardi | waAllahu | bima | taAAmaloona | khabeerun