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waliya [21]

Al-Imran | 3:140|
|If you have received a blow now, your enemy also received a similar blow.100 These are the vicissitudes of time that We alternate among the people; this has been done so that Allah may test from among you who were believers and choose the righteous witnesses of the Truth; for Allah does not like the workers of iniquity-

| 003.:140 [KSU] | In | yamsaskum | qarhun | faqad | massa | alqawma | qarhun | mithluhu | watilka | alayyamu | nudawiluha | bayna | alnnasi | waliyaAAlama | Allahu | allatheena | amanoo | wayattakhitha | minkum | shuhadaa | waAllahu | la | yuhibbu | alththalimeena

Al-Imran | 3:154|
|Then after this grief, Allah sent down upon some of you such a sense of peace and security that they began to drowse, but the others, who attached importance only to their own worldly interests, began to cherish about Allah thoughts of ignorance which were void of truth. Now they ask, "Have we also a say in .the conduct of affairs?" Say, ("No one has share in this.) The authority over the affairs rests wholly with Allah." In fact they are not disclosing to you what they are concealing in their hearts: what they really mean is this: "If we had a say (in the conduct of) the affairs, none of us would have been slain here." Tell them, "Even though you had remained in your houses, those, who were destined to be slain, would have gone forth of their own accord to the places where they were destined to be slain." And all this happened so that Allah may test that which was hidden in your hearts,

| 003.:154 [KSU] | Thumma | anzala | AAalaykum | min | baAAdi | alghammi | amanatan | nuAAasan | yaghsha | taifatan | minkum | wataifatun | qad | ahammathum | anfusuhum | yathunnoona | biAllahi | ghayra | alhaqqi | thanna | aljahiliyyati | yaqooloona | hal | lana | mina | alamri | min | shayin | qul | inna | alamra | kullahu | lillahi | yukhfoona | fee | anfusihim | ma | la | yubdoona | laka | yaqooloona | law | kana | lana | mina | alamri | shayon | ma | qutilna | hahuna | qul | law | kuntum | fee | buyootikum | labaraza | allatheena | kutiba | AAalayhimu | alqatlu | ila | madajiAAihim | waliyabtaliya | Allahu | ma | fee | sudoorikum | waliyuma

Al-Imran | 3:166|
|It was by Allahs leave that you suffered the loss on the day the two armies met so that Allah might test the true believers and also the hypocrites.

| 003.:166 [KSU] | Wama | asabakum | yawma | iltaqa | aljamAAani | fabiithni | Allahi | waliyaAAlama | almumineena

Al-Imran | 3:167|
|When these hypocrites were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or at least in the defence (of their city), they said, "Had we known that the fighting would take place today, we would have certainly gone out with you." At the time they were uttering these words, they were nearer to unbelief than to faith, for they utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts; but Allah knows well what they conceal in their hearts.

| 003.:167 [KSU] | WaliyaAAlama | allatheena | nafaqoo | waqeela | lahum | taAAalaw | qatiloo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | awi | idfaAAoo | qaloo | law | naAAlamu | qitalan | laittabaAAnakum | hum | lilkufri | yawmaithin | aqrabu | minhum | lileemani | yaqooloona | biafwahihim | ma | laysa | fee | quloobihim | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | yaktumoona

An-Nisa | 4:33|
|We have appointed rightful heirs to the inheritance which is left by parents and relatives. As for those with whom you have made a pledge, do give them their share: most surely Allah is watching over everything.

| 004.:033 [KSU] | Walikullin | jaAAalna | mawaliya | mimma | taraka | alwalidani | waalaqraboona | waallatheena | AAaqadat | aymanukum | faatoohum | naseebahum | inna | Allaha | kana | AAala | kulli | shayin | shaheedan