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waqiyla [12]

Al-Imran | 3:167|
|When these hypocrites were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or at least in the defence (of their city), they said, "Had we known that the fighting would take place today, we would have certainly gone out with you." At the time they were uttering these words, they were nearer to unbelief than to faith, for they utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts; but Allah knows well what they conceal in their hearts.

| 003.:167 [KSU] | WaliyaAAlama | allatheena | nafaqoo | waqeela | lahum | taAAalaw | qatiloo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | awi | idfaAAoo | qaloo | law | naAAlamu | qitalan | laittabaAAnakum | hum | lilkufri | yawmaithin | aqrabu | minhum | lileemani | yaqooloona | biafwahihim | ma | laysa | fee | quloobihim | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | yaktumoona

At-Tauba | 9:46|
|If they had really intended to march forth, they would surely have made some preparation for it. But Allah was averse to their going forth; and He caused them to hold back, and it was said to them, "Stay behind with those who stay behind."

| 009.:046 [KSU] | Walaw | aradoo | alkhurooja | laaAAaddoo | lahu | AAuddatan | walakin | kariha | Allahu | inbiAAathahum | fathabbatahum | waqeela | oqAAudoo | maAAa | alqaAAideena

Hud | 11:44|
|It was commanded, "O Earth! Swallow up thy waters, and O Sky, cease thy rain!" Accordingly the waters sank into the Earth. The decree was carried out; and the Ark rested upon Mount Judi. And it was proclaimed: "Gone are the workers of iniquity!"

| 011.:044 [KSU] | Waqeela | ya | ardu | iblaAAee | maaki | waya | samao | aqliAAee | wagheeda | almao | waqudiya | alamru | waistawat | AAala | aljoodiyyi | waqeela | buAAdan | lilqawmi | alththalimeena

An-Nahal | 16:30|
|On the other hand, when the God-fearing people are asked, "What is it that has been sent by your Lord?" they say, "It is the best thing that has been sent down." There is good for those righteous people who do good works in this world, and far better is their abode in the Hereafter." Blessed indeed is the dwelling place for the pious people.

| 016.:030 [KSU] | Waqeela | lillatheena | ittaqaw | matha | anzala | rabbukum | qaloo | khayran | lillatheena | ahsanoo | fee | hathihi | alddunya | hasanatun | waladaru | alakhirati | khayrun | walaniAAma | daru | almuttaqeena

Ash-Shuara | 26:39|
|and the people were asked, "Would you come to the gathering?

| 026.:039 [KSU] | Waqeela | lilnnasi | hal | antum | mujtamiAAoona