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watawakkal [6]

An-Nisa | 4:81|
|In your presence, they say, "We are obedient to you," but when they leave you, some of them meet together secretly at night to plot against what you say; Allah writes down all their secret talks; so leave them alone and trust in Allah; Allah alone suffices for trust.

| 004.:081 [KSU] | Wayaqooloona | taAAatun | faitha | barazoo | min | AAindika | bayyata | taifatun | minhum | ghayra | allathee | taqoolu | waAllahu | yaktubu | ma | yubayyitoona | faaAArid | AAanhum | watawakkal | AAala | Allahi | wakafa | biAllahi | wakeelan

Al-Anfal | 8:61|
|And, O Prophet, if the enemies incline to peace, you should also incline to it and put your trust in Allah: indeed He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

| 008.:061 [KSU] | Wain | janahoo | lilssalmi | faijnah | laha | watawakkal | AAala | Allahi | innahu | huwa | alssameeAAu | alAAaleemu

Hud | 11:123|
|Everything that is hidden in the heavens and the earth is in the power of Allah and everything shall return to Him. So, O Prophet, serve Him and put your trust in Him, for your Lord is not unaware of what you are doing.

| 011.:123 [KSU] | Walillahi | ghaybu | alssamawati | waalardi | wailayhi | yurjaAAu | alamru | kulluhu | faoAAbudhu | watawakkal | AAalayhi | wama | rabbuka | bighafilin | AAamma | taAAmaloona

Al-Furqan | 25:58|
|O Muhammad trust in that Allah Who is Ever-Living and will never die' Glorify Him with His praise, for He alone is sufficient to be aware of the sins of His servants.

| 025.:058 [KSU] | Watawakkal | AAala | alhayyi | allathee | la | yamootu | wasabbih | bihamdihi | wakafa | bihi | bithunoobi | AAibadihi | khabeeran

Ash-Shuara | 26:217|
|And put your trust in the Mighty and Merciful One,

| 026.:217 [KSU] | Watawakkal | AAala | alAAazeezi | alrraheemi