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yabtaghuwna [4]

An-Nisa | 4:139|
|who make the disbelievers their friends instead of the Believers. Do they go to the disbelievers to seek honor? Whereas, in fact, all honor belongs to Allah alone.

| 004.:139 [KSU] | Allatheena | yattakhithoona | alkafireena | awliyaa | min | dooni | almumineena | ayabtaghoona | AAindahumu | alAAizzata | fainna | alAAizzata | lillahi | jameeAAan

Al-Maidah | 5:2|
|O Believers, do not violate the emblems of God-worship. Do not make lawful for yourselves any of the forbidden months nor catch hold of the animals dedicated to sacrifice nor lay hands on those animals which are collared as a mark of their dedication to God, nor molest the people repairing to the Inviolable Mosque (the Ka`abah), seeking their Lords bounty and pleasure. You are, however, allowed to hunt after you have put off ihram. -And be on your guard : let not your resentment against those, who have barred you from visiting the Ka`abah, incite you so much as to transgress the prescribed limits. Nay, cooperate with all in what is good and pious but do not cooperate in what is sinful and wicked. Fear Allah: for Allah is severe in retribution.

| 005.:002 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | la | tuhilloo | shaAAaira | Allahi | wala | alshshahra | alharama | wala | alhadya | wala | alqalaida | wala | ammeena | albayta | alharama | yabtaghoona | fadlan | min | rabbihim | waridwanan | waitha | halaltum | faistadoo | wala | yajrimannakum | shanaanu | qawmin | an | saddookum | AAani | almasjidi | alharami | an | taAAtadoo | wataAAawanoo | AAala | albirri | waalttaqwa | wala | taAAawanoo | AAala | alithmi | waalAAudwani | waittaqoo | Allaha | inna | Allaha | shadeedu | alAAiqabi

Bani-Israel | 17:57|
|In fact those whom these people invoke for help themselves seek means of approach to their Lord and vie with one another to be nearer to Him and hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement.65 The fact is that the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be dreaded.

| 017.:057 [KSU] | Olaika | allatheena | yadAAoona | yabtaghoona | ila | rabbihimu | alwaseelata | ayyuhum | aqrabu | wayarjoona | rahmatahu | wayakhafoona | AAathabahu | inna | AAathaba | rabbika | kana | mahthooran

An-Noor | 24:33|
|And those, who cannot find a match, should observe continence till Allah provides them with means out of His bounty And if those who are in your possession, ask for a deed of emancipation, execute the deed of emancipation with them, provided that you find some good in them; and give them something out of the means Allah has given you. And do not force your slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains when they themselves want to keep chaste; and if anyone forces them into it, after such a compulsion Allah will be forgiving and merciful for them.

| 024.:033 [KSU] | WalyastaAAfifi | allatheena | la | yajidoona | nikahan | hatta | yughniyahumu | Allahu | min | fadlihi | waallatheena | yabtaghoona | alkitaba | mimma | malakat | aymanukum | fakatiboohum | in | AAalimtum | feehim | khayran | waatoohum | min | mali | Allahi | allathee | atakum | wala | tukrihoo | fatayatikum | AAala | albighai | in | aradna | tahassunan | litabtaghoo | AAarada | alhayati | alddunya | waman | yukrihhunna | fainna | Allaha | min | baAAdi | ikrahihinna | ghafoorun | raheemun

Al-Muzzammil | 73:20|
|O Prophet, your Lord knows that you sometimes stand in the Prayer nearly two-thirds of the night and sometimes half the night, and sometimes one-third of the night, and so does a group of your Companions. Allah alone keeps an account of the time of the day and night. He knows that you cannot compute the time precisely; so He has shown kindness to you. Now you may read as much of the Qur\'an as you easily can. He knows that there will be sick men among you, and some others who travel to seek Allah\'s bounty and yet others who fight in Allah\'s Way. Therefore, read as much of the Qur\'an as you may do with ease. Establish the salat and pay the zakat, and give to Allah a goodly loan. Whatever good you may send forward for yourselves, you shall find it with Allah. That is best and richest in reward. Seek forgiveness from Allah: indeed Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.

| 073.:020 [KSU] | Inna | rabbaka | yaAAlamu | annaka | taqoomu | adna | min | thuluthayi | allayli | wanisfahu | wathuluthahu | wataifatun | mina | allatheena | maAAaka | waAllahu | yuqaddiru | allayla | waalnnahara | AAalima | an | lan | tuhsoohu | fataba | AAalaykum | faiqraoo | ma | tayassara | mina | alqurani | AAalima | an | sayakoonu | minkum | marda | waakharoona | yadriboona | fee | alardi | yabtaghoona | min | fadli | Allahi | waakharoona | yuqatiloona | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | faiqraoo | ma | tayassara | minhu | waaqeemoo | alssalata | waatoo | alzzakata | waaqridoo | Allaha | qardan | hasanan | wama | tuqaddimoo | lianfusi