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yahkum [24]

Al-Baqarah | 2:113|
| The Jews say that the Christians have nothing (of the Truth) and the Christians say that the Jews have nothing of it, though both read the Scripture. And those who have no knowledge of the Scripture113 also make similar claims. Allah will surely give His judgement on the Day of Resurrection in all the matters in which they differ.

| 002.:113 [KSU] | Waqalati | alyahoodu | laysati | alnnasara | AAala | shayin | waqalati | alnnasara | laysati | alyahoodu | AAala | shayin | wahum | yatloona | alkitaba | kathalika | qala | allatheena | la | yaAAlamoona | mithla | qawlihim | faAllahu | yahkumu | baynahum | yawma | alqiyamati | feema | kanoo | feehi | yakhtalifoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:213|
|In the beginning all the people followed the same way. (Afterwards there came a change and differences arose). Then Allah sent Prophets to give good tidings to those who followed the Right Way and warnings to those who swerved from it. And He sent down with them the Book based on the Truth so that it should judge between the people concerning their differences. (Differences arose not because people were not given the knowledge of the Truth in the beginning, nay), differences arose between those very people who had been given clear teachings, and (for no other reasons than that) they wanted to tyrannize over one another.230 So Allah, by His leave, guided those who believed in the Prophets to the Truth about which they had differed; Allah guides whomever He pleases to the Right Way.

| 002.:213 [KSU] | Kana | alnnasu | ommatan | wahidatan | fabaAAatha | Allahu | alnnabiyyeena | mubashshireena | wamunthireena | waanzala | maAAahumu | alkitaba | bialhaqqi | liyahkuma | bayna | alnnasi | feema | ikhtalafoo | feehi | wama | ikhtalafa | feehi | illa | allatheena | ootoohu | min | baAAdi | ma | jaathumu | albayyinatu | baghyan | baynahum | fahada | Allahu | allatheena | amanoo | lima | ikhtalafoo | feehi | mina | alhaqqi | biithnihi | waAllahu | yahdee | man | yashao | ila | siratin | mustaqeemin

Al-Imran | 3:23|
|Have you not marked the behaviour of those who have received a share of the knowledge of the Book? When they are invited to the Book of Allah so that it may judge between them, some of them evade it and turn away from Its judgement.

| 003.:023 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allatheena | ootoo | naseeban | mina | alkitabi | yudAAawna | ila | kitabi | Allahi | liyahkuma | baynahum | thumma | yatawalla | fareequn | minhum | wahum | muAAridoona

An-Nisa | 4:141|
|The hypocrites are watching you closely to see how the wind blows. If victory comes to you from Allah, they will say to you, "Were we not with you?" And if the disbelievers gain the upper hand, they will say to them, "Were we not strong enough to fight against you? Yet we defended you from the Muslims. Indeed, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will judge between you and them, and (in this judgment) Allah has left no way for the disbelievers to overcome the Believers.

| 004.:141 [KSU] | Allatheena | yatarabbasoona | bikum | fain | kana | lakum | fathun | mina | Allahi | qaloo | alam | nakun | maAAakum | wain | kana | lilkafireena | naseebun | qaloo | alam | nastahwith | AAalaykum | wanamnaAAkum | mina | almumineena | faAllahu | yahkumu | baynakum | yawma | alqiyamati | walan | yajAAala | Allahu | lilkafireena | AAala | almumineena | sabeelan

Al-Maidah | 5:1|
|O Believers, observe strictly the prescribed limits. All kinds of cattle-like animals have been made lawful for you except the ones which will be told you here-in-after, but you should not make hunting lawful for yourselves during the state of ihram : indeed Allah ordains whatever He pleases.

| 005.:001 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | awfoo | bialAAuqoodi | ohillat | lakum | baheematu | alanAAami | illa | ma | yutla | AAalaykum | ghayra | muhillee | alssaydi | waantum | hurumun | inna | Allaha | yahkumu | ma | yureedu