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yajid [26]

Al-Baqarah | 2:196|
|When you make up your mind to perform Hajj and `Umrah,accomplish these to please Allah. But if you are hemmed in somewhere, then offer to Allah whatever sacrifice you can afford. And do not shave your heads until the sacrifice reaches its place. But whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head and has his head shaved shall atone for this either by fasting or by alms-giving or by offering a sacrifice However, when you are secure (and you reach Makkah before the Hajj season begins), whoever takes advantage of this opportunity to perform `Umrah shall offer the sacrifice that he can afford. But if he cannot afford a sacrifice, he shall fast three days during the Hajj season and seven days after reaching home, that is, ten days in all. This concession is only for those whose homes are not near the Masjid Haram, refrain from transgressing these Commandments of Allah and know it well

| 002.:196 [KSU] | Waatimmoo | alhajja | waalAAumrata | lillahi | fain | ohsirtum | fama | istaysara | mina | alhadyi | wala | tahliqoo | ruoosakum | hatta | yablugha | alhadyu | mahillahu | faman | kana | minkum | mareedan | aw | bihi | athan | min | rasihi | fafidyatun | min | siyamin | aw | sadaqatin | aw | nusukin | faitha | amintum | faman | tamattaAAa | bialAAumrati | ila | alhajji | fama | istaysara | mina | alhadyi | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | thalathati | ayyamin | fee | alhajji | wasabAAatin | itha | rajaAAtum | tilka | AAasharatun | kamilatun | thalika | liman | lam | yakun | ahluhu | hadiree | almasjidi | alharami | waittaqoo

An-Nisa | 4:65|
|Nay, O Muhammad, by your Lord, they can never become Believers until they accept you as judge for the decision of the disputes between them, and then surrender to your decision with entire submission without feeling the least resentment in their hearts.

| 004.:065 [KSU] | Fala | warabbika | la | yuminoona | hatta | yuhakkimooka | feema | shajara | baynahum | thumma | la | yajidoo | fee | anfusihim | harajan | mimma | qadayta | wayusallimoo | tasleeman

An-Nisa | 4:92|
|It does not behoove a Believer to slay another Believer except by error, and if one slays a Believer by error, he must set free one believing slave as expiation and pay blood-money to the heirs of the slain person unless they charitably forego it. But if the murdered Muslim belonged to a people who are at enmity with you, then the expiation shall be the freeing of one believing slave; and if the slain person belonged to a non-Muslim ally of yours, then the blood-money must be paid to his heirs and a believing slave has to be set free. But if one could not afford a slave, then he must fast two consecutive months. This is the way enjoined by Allah for repentance; Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

| 004.:092 [KSU] | Wama | kana | limuminin | an | yaqtula | muminan | illa | khataan | waman | qatala | muminan | khataan | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | illa | an | yassaddaqoo | fain | kana | min | qawmin | AAaduwwin | lakum | wahuwa | muminun | fatahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | wain | kana | min | qawmin | baynakum | wabaynahum | meethaqun | fadiyatun | musallamatun | ila | ahlihi | watahreeru | raqabatin | muminatin | faman | lam | yajid | fasiyamu | shahrayni | mutatabiAAayni | tawbatan | mina | Allahi | wakana | Allahu | AAaleeman | hakeeman

An-Nisa | 4:100|
|The one who emigrates in the way of Allah, will find in the land enough room for refuge and abundant resources for livelihood. As regards the one, who leaves his home to migrate towards Allah and His Messenger and death overtakes him on the way, Allah has taken upon Himself to give him his due reward, for Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

| 004.:100 [KSU] | Waman | yuhajir | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | yajid | fee | alardi | muraghaman | katheeran | wasaAAatan | waman | yakhruj | min | baytihi | muhajiran | ila | Allahi | warasoolihi | thumma | yudrikhu | almawtu | faqad | waqaAAa | ajruhu | AAala | Allahi | wakana | Allahu | ghafooran | raheeman

An-Nisa | 4:110|
|If one does a sinful thing or wrongs himself in any way and afterwards implores Allahs forgiveness, he will find Allah Forgiving and Compassionate.

| 004.:110 [KSU] | Waman | yaAAmal | sooan | aw | yathlim | nafsahu | thumma | yastaghfiri | Allaha | yajidi | Allaha | ghafooran | raheeman