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yakadu [8]

An-Nisa | 4:78|
|As to death, it will overtake you wherever you may be, even though you be in fortified towers" If they have good fortune, they say, "This is from Allah," and if they suffer a loss, they say, "This is because of you." Say, "Everything is from Allah." What then has gone wrong with these people that they do not understand anything?

| 004.:078 [KSU] | Aynama | takoonoo | yudrikkumu | almawtu | walaw | kuntum | fee | buroojin | mushayyadatin | wain | tusibhum | hasanatun | yaqooloo | hathihi | min | AAindi | Allahi | wain | tusibhum | sayyiatun | yaqooloo | hathihi | min | AAindika | qul | kullun | min | AAindi | Allahi | famali | haolai | alqawmi | la | yakadoona | yafqahoona | hadeethan

Ibrahim | 14:17|
|which he shall try to gulp down, but will scarcely swallow it. Death shall surround him on all sides, yet he shall not die; and before him there shall be a grievous torment.

| 014.:017 [KSU] | YatajarraAAuhu | wala | yakadu | yuseeghuhu | wayateehi | almawtu | min | kulli | makanin | wama | huwa | bimayyitin | wamin | waraihi | AAathabun | ghaleethun

Al-Kahaf | 18:93|
|till he reached between two mountains, where he found a people who could hardly understand any language.

| 018.:093 [KSU] | Hatta | itha | balagha | bayna | alssaddayni | wajada | min | doonihima | qawman | la | yakadoona | yafqahoona | qawlan

Al-Hajj | 22:72|
|And when Our clear Revelations are recited to them, you perceive signs of disdain in the faces of the disbelievers as though they were going to assault those who recite Our Revelations to them. Say to them, "May I inform you of a thing worse than this? It is the Fire which Allah has promised for those who reject the Truth; and what an evil abode it is!"

| 022.:072 [KSU] | Waitha | tutla | AAalayhim | ayatuna | bayyinatin | taAArifu | fee | wujoohi | allatheena | kafaroo | almunkara | yakadoona | yastoona | biallatheena | yatloona | AAalayhim | ayatina | qul | afaonabbiokum | bisharrin | min | thalikum | alnnaru | waAAadaha | Allahu | allatheena | kafaroo | wabisa | almaseeru

An-Noor | 24:35|
|Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth: His light (in the universe) may be likened (to the light of) a lamp in a niche: the lamp is in a glass shade: the glass shade is like a glittering star and lamp is lit with the olive oil of a blessed tree which is neither eastern nor western: its oil is (so fine) as if it were going to shine forth by itself though no fire touched it (as though all the means of increasing) light upon light (were provided ); Allah guides to His light whomever He wills. He cites parables to make the Message clear to the people; He has perfect knowledge of everything.

| 024.:035 [KSU] | Allahu | nooru | alssamawati | waalardi | mathalu | noorihi | kamishkatin | feeha | misbahun | almisbahu | fee | zujajatin | alzzujajatu | kaannaha | kawkabun | durriyyun | yooqadu | min | shajaratin | mubarakatin | zaytoonatin | la | sharqiyyatin | wala | gharbiyyatin | yakadu | zaytuha | yudeeo | walaw | lam | tamsashu | narun | noorun | AAala | noorin | yahdee | Allahu | linoorihi | man | yashao | wayadribu | Allahu | alamthala | lilnnasi | waAllahu | bikulli | shayin | AAaleemun