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yaquwluwna [85]

Al-Baqarah | 2:26|
| Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a gnat or of something even more insignificant than this. As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing. And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah;

| 002.:026 [KSU] | Inna | Allaha | la | yastahyee | an | yadriba | mathalan | ma | baAAoodatan | fama | fawqaha | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fayaAAlamoona | annahu | alhaqqu | min | rabbihim | waamma | allatheena | kafaroo | fayaqooloona | matha | arada | Allahu | bihatha | mathalan | yudillu | bihi | katheeran | wayahdee | bihi | katheeran | wama | yudillu | bihi | illa | alfasiqeena

Al-Baqarah | 2:79|
|So woe to their learned people, who write the law with their own hands and then say to the people, "This is from Allah," so that they might gain some paltry worldly end. (They do not see that) this writing of their hands will bring woe to them and what they gain thereby will lead to their ruin.

| 002.:079 [KSU] | Fawaylun | lillatheena | yaktuboona | alkitaba | biaydeehim | thumma | yaqooloona | hatha | min | AAindi | Allahi | liyashtaroo | bihi | thamanan | qaleelan | fawaylun | lahum | mimma | katabat | aydeehim | wawaylun | lahum | mimma | yaksiboona

Al-Imran | 3:7|
|It is He Who has sent down this Book to you. There are two kinds of verses in this Book: muhkamat (which are precise in meaning: ) they are the essence of the Books5 and the other kind is mutashabihat (which are ambiguous. ) Those, who are perverse of heart, always go after the mutashabihat in pursuit of mischief and try to interpret them arbitrarily, whereas in fact, none save Allah knows their real meanings! In contrast to them, those, who possess sound knowledge, say, "We believe in them because all of them are from our Lord." And the fact is that only the people of insight can learn lessons from such things.

| 003.:007 [KSU] | Huwa | allathee | anzala | AAalayka | alkitaba | minhu | ayatun | muhkamatun | hunna | ommu | alkitabi | waokharu | mutashabihatun | faamma | allatheena | fee | quloobihim | zayghun | fayattabiAAoona | ma | tashabaha | minhu | ibtighaa | alfitnati | waibtighaa | taweelihi | wama | yaAAlamu | taweelahu | illa | Allahu | waalrrasikhoona | fee | alAAilmi | yaqooloona | amanna | bihi | kullun | min | AAindi | rabbina | wama | yaththakkaru | illa | oloo | alalbabi

Al-Imran | 3:16|
|These are the people, who say, "Lord, we have believed sincerely; forgive us our sins and save us from the fire of Hell."

| 003.:016 [KSU] | Allatheena | yaqooloona | rabbana | innana | amanna | faighfir | lana | thunoobana | waqina | AAathaba | alnnari

Al-Imran | 3:75|
|There is among the people of the Book such a person who will return to you intact a heap of gold entrusted to him by you. But there is among them also such a one who will not return even a single dinar entrusted to him by you unless you demand it with importunity. They justify their immoral behaviour, saying, "We are not to be called to account for our behaviour towards the unlettered (gentiles)." Obviously, this is a falsehood of their own which they deliberately ascribe to Allah, knowing well that He has never permitted such a thing. Well, will they not be called to account?

| 003.:075 [KSU] | Wamin | ahli | alkitabi | man | in | tamanhu | biqintarin | yuaddihi | ilayka | waminhum | man | in | tamanhu | bideenarin | la | yuaddihi | ilayka | illa | ma | dumta | AAalayhi | qaiman | thalika | biannahum | qaloo | laysa | AAalayna | fee | alommiyyeena | sabeelun | wayaqooloona | AAala | Allahi | alkathiba | wahum | yaAAlamoona