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yuhma [2]

Al-Imran | 3:188|
|Do not think that those, who exult in their misdeeds and who love to be praised even for deeds they have not actually performed, shall escape chastisement; the fact is that a grievous chastisement awaits them;

| 003.:188 [KSU] | La | tahsabanna | allatheena | yafrahoona | bima | ataw | wayuhibboona | an | yuhmadoo | bima | lam | yafAAaloo | fala | tahsabannahum | bimafazatin | mina | alAAathabi | walahum | AAathabun | aleemun

At-Tauba | 9:35|
|The Day shall surely come when the same gold and silver shall be heated in the fire of Hell, and therewith their foreheads, their bodies and their backs shall be .branded, (saying), "Here is that treasure you had hoarded up for yourselves: now taste the evil of your hoarded treasure"

| 009.:035 [KSU] | Yawma | yuhma | AAalayha | fee | nari | jahannama | fatukwa | biha | jibahuhum | wajunoobuhum | wathuhooruhum | hatha | ma | kanaztum | lianfusikum | fathooqoo | ma | kuntum | taknizoona

Al-Fatir | 35:18|
|No bearer of a burden will bear another's burden, and if a laden soul cries out for help, none will come forward to share the least of its burden, even though it be the nearest kinsman. (O Prophet,) you can only warn those who fear their Lord though they cannot see Him, and establish the Salat. Whoever adopts purity does so for his own good, and to Allah shall all return.

| 035.:018 [KSU] | Wala | taziru | waziratun | wizra | okhra | wain | tadAAu | muthqalatun | ila | himliha | la | yuhmal | minhu | shayon | walaw | kana | tha | qurba | innama | tunthiru | allatheena | yakhshawna | rabbahum | bialghaybi | waaqamoo | alssalata | waman | tazakka | fainnama | yatazakka | linafsihi | waila | Allahi | almaseeru