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yunabbiokum [8]

Al-Maidah | 5:48|
|Then, O Muhammad, We sent this Book to you which has brought the Truth: it confirms whatever has remained intact from the Book at the time of its revelation and safeguards and protects it. Therefore you should judge between the people by the Law sent down by Allah and do not follow their desires by turning aside from the Truth that has come to you. We prescribed a law and a way of life for each of you, though your Lord could have made all of you a single community, if He had so willed. But (He willed otherwise) in order to test you in what He has bestowed upon each of you: therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately, you shall all return to Him; then He will let you know the truth about that in which you have been differing

| 005.:048 [KSU] | Waanzalna | ilayka | alkitaba | bialhaqqi | musaddiqan | lima | bayna | yadayhi | mina | alkitabi | wamuhayminan | AAalayhi | faohkum | baynahum | bima | anzala | Allahu | wala | tattabiAA | ahwaahum | AAamma | jaaka | mina | alhaqqi | likullin | jaAAalna | minkum | shirAAatan | waminhajan | walaw | shaa | Allahu | lajaAAalakum | ommatan | wahidatan | walakin | liyabluwakum | fee | ma | atakum | faistabiqoo | alkhayrati | ila | Allahi | marjiAAukum | jameeAAan | fayunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | feehi | takhtalifoona

Al-Maidah | 5:105|
|O Believers, look after your own souls ; it can do no harm to you, if anyone else goes astray, provided that you yourselves are on the right path. To Allah shall you all return :then He will let you know what you have been doing.

| 005.:105 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | AAalaykum | anfusakum | la | yadurrukum | man | dalla | itha | ihtadaytum | ila | Allahi | marjiAAukum | jameeAAan | fayunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | taAAmaloona

Al-Anaam | 6:60|
|It is He Who recalls your souls at night and knows what you do during the day; then next day He returns you to your usual work to complete the fixed term of your life. At long last, you shall all return to Him and He will let you know what you had been doing.

| 006.:060 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | yatawaffakum | biallayli | wayaAAlamu | ma | jarahtum | bialnnahari | thumma | yabAAathukum | feehi | liyuqda | ajalun | musamman | thumma | ilayhi | marjiAAukum | thumma | yunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | taAAmaloona

Al-Anaam | 6:164|
|Say, "Should I seek another Lord beside Allah when He is the Lord of everything? Every person is himself accountable for what he earns, for no bearer of burden bears the burden of another. Ultimately, you shall all have to return to your Lord: then He will tell you the reality of that about which you differ.

| 006.:164 [KSU] | Qul | aghayra | Allahi | abghee | rabban | wahuwa | rabbu | kulli | shayin | wala | taksibu | kullu | nafsin | illa | AAalayha | wala | taziru | waziratun | wizra | okhra | thumma | ila | rabbikum | marjiAAukum | fayunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | feehi | takhtalifoona

At-Tauba | 9:94|
|When you return to them, they will apologize to you, offering many sorts of excuses: but say to them plainly, "Make no excuses: we will not believe in anything you say for Allah has revealed to us the whole truth about you. Now Allah and His Messenger will keep a watch over your conduct: then you shall return to Him Who knows all that is visible and hidden, and He will tell you all that you have been doing. "

| 009.:094 [KSU] | YaAAtathiroona | ilaykum | itha | rajaAAtum | ilayhim | qul | la | taAAtathiroo | lan | numina | lakum | qad | nabbaana | Allahu | min | akhbarikum | wasayara | Allahu | AAamalakum | warasooluhu | thumma | turaddoona | ila | AAalimi | alghaybi | waalshshahadati | fayunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | taAAmaloona